Your Pharmacy Degree will get you a job, But your business skills are what creates your Three Freedoms.
1. Time Freedom to practice when you want.
2. The location freedom to practice where you want.
3. And the financial Freedom to fuel financial independence.
This book challenges the thought leaders in the pharmacy industry to rethink their assumptions and create new practice models that will revolutionize the practice of pharmacy.
The future of Pharmacy practice lies in learning to control one's destiny. Successful entrepreneurs top waiting for permission and start exercising their will to be great.
Which employer out there will guarantee you that you will still have the same job in ten years?
Learn how to start building your own income streams to secure you own financial security.
Dr. Alston helps frustrated, overworked professionals worried about the state of their profession, select and implement the best value strategy possible so they can get paid what they are worth and build a secure future for themselves and their families.
A tribe is any group of people united by a common idea and led by a leader. Greg's tribe (The Value Tribe) believes that the Real Pharmacists are needed to provide real care to real patients. Patients never fit the guidelines. They need pharmacists to figure out what they need and figure out how to get it to them.
If you want to become the best professional in the world at what you do then you need to develop the will to be great, the desire to excel and the ability to create value for your stakeholders.
His revolutionary ideas about business design allows pharmacists who own community drug stores to better manage their patient outcomes by utilizing highly trained clinicians to manage the complicated specialty disease states. Ambulatory Care pharmacy specialists can use a telemedicine model to treat patients in a community setting in league with store owners.
The healthcare system in America is evolving rapidly from a mom and Pop shop world to a corporate culture where the needs of an individual patient frequently get lost under the piles of regulations, processes and procedures mandating by bureaucrats. pharmacists have always been on the front lines providing primary care triage service for the entire health care system.
So why are so many people trying to minimize the value we provide to millions of people daily in every town in the country. there is a reason that we are continually near the top of the list for most trusted professionals. But our profession has done a poor job of communicating our value to our stakeholders.
The simple message is that if you fail to create value then you will fail to have a job in the future.
3. And the financial Freedom to fuel financial independence.
This book challenges the thought leaders in the pharmacy industry to rethink their assumptions and create new practice models that will revolutionize the practice of pharmacy.
The future of Pharmacy practice lies in learning to control one's destiny. Successful entrepreneurs top waiting for permission and start exercising their will to be great.
Which employer out there will guarantee you that you will still have the same job in ten years?
Learn how to start building your own income streams to secure you own financial security.
Dr. Alston helps frustrated, overworked professionals worried about the state of their profession, select and implement the best value strategy possible so they can get paid what they are worth and build a secure future for themselves and their families.
A tribe is any group of people united by a common idea and led by a leader. Greg's tribe (The Value Tribe) believes that the Real Pharmacists are needed to provide real care to real patients. Patients never fit the guidelines. They need pharmacists to figure out what they need and figure out how to get it to them.
If you want to become the best professional in the world at what you do then you need to develop the will to be great, the desire to excel and the ability to create value for your stakeholders.
His revolutionary ideas about business design allows pharmacists who own community drug stores to better manage their patient outcomes by utilizing highly trained clinicians to manage the complicated specialty disease states. Ambulatory Care pharmacy specialists can use a telemedicine model to treat patients in a community setting in league with store owners.
The healthcare system in America is evolving rapidly from a mom and Pop shop world to a corporate culture where the needs of an individual patient frequently get lost under the piles of regulations, processes and procedures mandating by bureaucrats. pharmacists have always been on the front lines providing primary care triage service for the entire health care system.
So why are so many people trying to minimize the value we provide to millions of people daily in every town in the country. there is a reason that we are continually near the top of the list for most trusted professionals. But our profession has done a poor job of communicating our value to our stakeholders.
The simple message is that if you fail to create value then you will fail to have a job in the future.
The simple message is that if you fail to create value then you will fail to have a job in the future.
The Ten Things a New Manager Must Get Right From the Start!

This book is designed to help a person go from getting promoted to actually doing a good job as a manager. Imagine that you get called in to the office on Friday and your boss offers you a promotion that will begin Monday. After the initial excitement comes that moment of doubt when you think to yourself, "what do I have to do right to make this work?"
This new book is designed so that you can download it Friday Night and be ready to excel by Monday morning. It is a quick read that helps you focus your mindset in the proper way to be able to win the respect and admiration of your new work team.
Of course if you are already a manager this book can still help you re-focus your mind on the truly important things that are going to dramatically impact your ability to create a high performance team.
The Bosshole Effect Book

- Follow these simple strategies to obliterate the stress of managing employees and become the kind of boss or supervisor that people would pay to work for.
- Thousands of readers have discovered how they can learn to turn a dysfunctional assemblage of employees in to a highly effective team.
I thought it was going to be full of technical jargon, but found it to be a very informal and enjoyable read. Piaras O Cionnaoith| 12 reviewers made a similar statement This book really helped me to see what a leader is, not just a boss, but someone that is respected by those they work with. Maege M| 7 reviewers made a similar statement He does all this with a wit and wisdom that can only come from the voice of experience. J. E. Watson| 5 reviewers made a similar statement
- Easy to Read and Jargon Free with Short, Focused Chapters
- Simple Action Steps You Can Take Right Away to Improve Your Ability to Manage People Effectively Even if You are a First Time Manager.
- Practical Tips From a Person with 35 Years Experience as an Owner, Manager, Boss and Supervisor
- Excellent for New Managers, First time Managers and Experienced Managers Alike Who Need help Learning how to manage employees.
- Unique Content Not found in any other People Skills Book
Talent comes from DNA and is about potential. Ability comes from practice and is about performance. 11 Highlighters
When rewards are given without effort being required, the unmistakable message is that effort is not required. 9 Highlighters
That what they do is important, That they’re good at it and That the boss values their contributions to the team. 8 Highlighters
The reality is that if you are not getting better at what you do, you are losing ground to your competition. 7 Highlighters
Great leaders succeed when they surround themselves with good people and let them do their jobs. 6 highlighters

Tribes by Seth Godin
I believe that Seth Godin's view that Tribes will replace traditional mass marketing as the dominant sales driver of the 21 st century is spot on. I believe that a pharmacist can develop their own tribe and use that tribe to provide income in an area of their specialty.
Time Warrior by Steve Chandler
This book is short, to the point and a great way to think about managing your time. If you are tired of all these elaborate systems and checklists you just might find this a great read.
I found that Chandler's approach to becoming a Time Warrior was exactly what I needed to focus on getting the right things done.