In the real world of choices, the one best option is always disguised behind the millions of incorrect ones.


Most people suffer under the assumption that life is pretty easy.  But lets face it if life was easy anybody could do it. And yet there are hundreds of choices we are required to make every day.  And many people routinely make stupid choices. Those choices become our actions.  Those actions become our habits.  Those habits become our character.  And our character determines our destiny.


What makes life so difficult is the fact that the world does a good job of disguising many incorrect choices as reasonable ones.  The only way to filter out the superfluous many from the correct options is to have a set of guidelines that allow you to filter accurately.


Your core values act as your personal filter.  The problem for a lot of people is they have never articulated their core values.  Therefore, when someone asks me what’s the most important step in determining the appropriate business niche to get into, I always start with define your personal values. If your idea does not resonate with your values your business will never succeed.

The key driver for any successful business is a well defined Value Strategy that resonates with the marketplace.